Di Fermo” is an Italian term that can be translated to “of standstill” or “of stillness” in English. In the context of office lease or contract, it refers to a fixed or definite period. During which certain conditions or terms shall remain unchanged. In an office space rent agreement, a “Di Fermo” period implies a specified duration. During this time, the agreement and payments must be fulfilled regardless of external circumstances or changes in the tenant’s situation. It defines a period of contractual commitment, suggesting that specific terms remain constant and binding for the agreed-upon duration.

The Di Fermo period, synonymous with a Fixed-Term period, defines a lease arrangement characterised by a pre-established and unalterable duration. Commonly referred to as the “Di Fermo” period, this type of lease mandates tenants to fulfill rental payments throughout the entirety of the predetermined fixed period. Irrespective of external circumstances impacting the business.

Even in scenarios such as financial distress, declarations of bankruptcy, or the postponement of operations, tenants are bound by their commitment to meet rental obligations. This commitment endures until the conclusion of the stipulated lease term. It creates a financial obligation that persists regardless of the challenges faced by the tenant’s business during this fixed timeframe.

Essentially, the ‘Di Fermo’ period represents a contractual commitment to honor rental obligations for the entire specified duration. From the landlord’s perspective, this structure ensures a consistent and predictable revenue stream. It remains unaffected by the fluctuating fortunes or challenges that may arise in the tenant’s business operations during the designated fixed term.

If you require guidance regarding your office agreement, feel free to reach out to us at +356 7949 5969