Average Office Rental Costs Per Square Meter in St Julians

About St Julians

St. Julians is a popular business location on the east coast of the Mediterranean island of Malta. It is situated near Sliema, Msida, and Gzira, making it one of the busiest commercial and urban hubs in Malta. This seaside town is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, with numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants lining the streets. St. Julians also offers a variety of water sports activities in St. George’s Bay and Balluta Bay. The current population is approximately 13,792 residents. This town is particularly attractive to English speakers and is one of the most favored cities by expats in Malta.

Distance from key locations:
Malta International Airport – 6 km.
Valletta – 2.6 km.
Gozo Ferry Cirkewwa – 17 km.
Central Business District (Mriehel) – 3.2 km.

St Julians’ Business Landscape

St. Julian’s is considered one of the most prestigious places to establish your business quarters in Malta. The business landscape in St. Julians reflects its strategic location and connectivity. It attracts professionals from the iGaming, aviation, banking, payment, employment, and technology sectors. This vibrant community benefits from the town’s bustling commercial and urban atmosphere. It also leverages its proximity to key areas such as Sliema, Msida, and Gzira. Networking opportunities abound, and the town’s reputation for being an expat-friendly destination further enriches the intercultural and collaborative nature of its business environment. St. Julian’s stands out as a prime location for entrepreneurs seeking a dynamic community to establish and grow businesses.

Average Annual Office Rental Rate in St. Julians

To determine average office rental price per square meter in St. Julians, we evaluated all currently available office spaces listed on OfficeMarket.mt. To establish a price per square meter, we took into account the total annual rental cost. We then divided it by the total square meters of offices available in the area.

The analysis has shown that the average annual price per square meter for office lease in St Julians is €320, which is the highest in Malta.

To calculate an individual office price, you can use the Office Space Price Calculator.

The rental prices for commercial space per square meter depend on the type of office, whether it is a standalone office or office space in a business center. Additionally, the condition and age of the building may also affect the rates, with newer and well-maintained buildings generally commanding higher rates than older ones.

St Julians offers a range of flexible office solutions, including private offices, co-working spaces, and virtual offices, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

This rate is not static but rather subject to market fluctuations, responding to changes in demand, economic conditions, and the overall commercial real estate landscape. Businesses looking to establish a presence in St. Julians must carefully evaluate their requirements and budgetary considerations in the context of this dynamic office rental market.

In conclusion, the average annual office rental rate of €320 per square meter in St. Julians reflects a dynamic interplay of demand, location advantages, and the quality of available spaces. It underscores the strategic positioning of St. Julians as a premier business destination and highlights the investments businesses make to be part of this thriving commercial ecosystem.

Find all available offices in St Julians or contact Office Market for personal assistance.